Powerful morning prayer to start your day

Powerful morning prayer to start your day

There’s never a bad time to talk to God. But when you start your morning with him, you’re handing over the rest of your day to him too—putting God in the driver seat for the day. You can talk through your plans, listen for his wisdom, and hand over your worries to him. With God’s hands on your back, you’ll enter each day with his grace and mercy, ready for whatever the day brings. Add this daily morning prayer to your routine this week and watch God work in your life.

Our Father in heaven, 

How we love You; how You love us. 

A new day unfolds, and we desire that it is infused with our worship of You. As we turn our eyes on the beauty of You, so our spirits lift and find peace. Please pour out Your spirit upon us today, so we can worship in fresh ways. We humbly ask for a deeper relationship with You, so we can have a heightened awareness of God’s presence in us. 

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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