Powerful prayer for your marriage

Powerful prayer for your marriage

Here is the truth that most people do not like to admit: marriage is hard. It is incredibly hard. Spending forever with someone who is different from you is not quite a walk in the park. It has its ups and downs, its highs and lows. Marriage is incredibly hard but when handled right, it is incredibly beautiful. This is why prayers for marriage matter.

Praying for your marriage is one of the most rewarding things you can do for your relationship. If you make prayer a priority and not an option, then handling a lot of issues will be much easier.

I know first hand that prayer makes a marriage stronger. When I pray for my marriage, I gain clarity. I find peace. My faith in God is strengthened. The place of prayer humbles me. It helps me let go and let God. It helps me speak life into my marriage.

Therefore, I'll encourage us to pray these prayers because prayers are powerful. Prayers make a difference.

Dear Lord,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the blessing of marriage. I am so glad you gave me such a wonderful husband whom I treasure so deeply. Please help me to love him as you love us. 

God, please bless our marriage in abundance. Help us to be a reflection of your love for us and help us always to seek you first in our marriage. Help us to grow stronger in love each and every day, and to always prioritize our marriage. Help us each to be selfless spouses who seek to bless and give to one another. And help us do all this to your glory Lord. 


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