Prayer to restore peace

Prayer to restore peace

We live in a broken world plagued by sin and complex societal issues that can be overwhelming at times. With societal challenges including racism, educational disparities, health crises and homelessness, it is easy to want to withdraw. We may say to ourselves, “it’s all too much. The problem is too big. What role do I play? Where is God?” These are questions that I often ask myself.

In addition to collective brokenness, we also deal with individual sin that attempts to keep us broken and separated from God. Our individual sin can keep us isolated and feeling empty. Broken relationships, anxiety, depression, and fear can consume us, keeping us distracted and hopeless.

Despite how bleak it may look at times, do not lose heart. God desires for our minds, relationships, societal challenges, hope, and peace to be restored. God wants to restore our broken world and spirits. Below is the prayer of restoration to reignite our souls and keep us hopeful.

Dear God,

When we are anxious, may you restore peace for our souls and calm for our restless minds. When we are at the end of our own strength and chaos is all around us, may your peace calm and cover us. Thank you for restoring peace to our homes, workplaces, schools, and the world. Thank you for restoring peace to our spirits and reconciling our hearts back to You.


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