Prayers for grandparents

Prayers for grandparents

Prayer is one of the best tools for blessing others. It is our time to talk about the things we’re dealing with in life, both good and bad, and also a method to lift up those around us. It can also help us encourage the strength of others. 

We should pray especially for our grandparents who provide wisdom, experience and love to our families. One of the greatest ways you can honor your grandparents is to pray a prayer of blessing over them. This prayer reflects our love for them. It is also a way to call on God’s blessing over their remaining time on earth. Here are eight prayers to pray for your grandparents to help honor the gift they are to your family and to lift up their special needs.

God of love,

We thank you for our wonderful grandparents.

They bring such joy and happiness into our lives.

Thank you for all the special times that we have with them.

Please bless our grandparents with long life, happiness, and health. May they remain constant in your love and be living signs of your presence to their children and grandchildren.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 



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