You must have seen the phrase "Walk by faith not by sight many times" and wonder, why, where does the meaning and origin of that saying come from, read the article below to deeply understand this saying and see some more products about it.
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“Walk by faith, not by sight” in Bible
“We walk by faith not by sight” actually is a quote from the King James Version of the Bible, from 2 Corinthians 5:7. It is a good translation, but some modern translations read “we live by faith not by sight”, and that is good as well. When Paul talks about the way Christians ‘walk’, he means ‘the way we live our day to day lives…’ So this verse is not really about guidance in specific situations, as it is sometimes used.
Jesus stated, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29) then ascended and left his Spirit as a guarantee.
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What does it mean to Walk by faith?
And what about the action of walking in faith? “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called,” wrote Paul (Ephesians 4:1). Combs says, “the word walk in 2 Corinthians 5:7 is [...] used in the metaphorical sense of ‘live.’”
Our walk as Christians should be identifiably different from the walk of one who does not believe and has been saved by grace. There is a practical element, which must not be overlooked, for if we love God there will be an outpouring of that love towards others.
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You see, God knew what was ahead. He knew that the better journey for people was the one that seemed harder and more treacherous. Moses and the Israelites, whom he was leading, did not know which way to go as they walked along, but God made his presence known.
How about sight?
"To Understand That There is More Than What Can Be Seen"
Like 2 Corinthians 5 tells us, this worldly body is really just a tent anyway. We have a much better dwelling place waiting for us in heaven, and what we “see” is not going to get us there, what is in our hearts will.
So, "walking by faith, not by sight" means that we live today according to God’s promises, even though we cannot see them.
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Is sight coming?
Will we see Jesus when we die? Paul says it himself: "we see dimly today, but the mist will lift one day revealing his face. The veil between God and man was torn when Jesus died on the cross".
So, we cannot fully see him right now “does not mean that we are cut off from fellowship with the Lord.” Living by faith, explains Bill Combs, is “no hindrance to communion with our Savior.”